Unveiling "The Human Right": Illuminating the Humanity of Conservative Americans through Art
Conservative Americans are portrayed as enigmatic and difficult and are now one of the most misunderstood groups in the United States due to lopsided storytelling that robs conservative Americans of a voice in culture. The real and numerous human beings who have conservative values, beliefs, and motivations have been silenced by corporate media narratives that depict them in a narrow, unsavory light, unworthy of a voice and unworthy of any say in the future of American life and culture.
A new movement is emerging, one that will bridge the fake gap between conservative Americans, and the rest of the nation that believes the lies of a corporate media fixated on division as its only path to consolidating all political power.
Through indie art and indie storytelling, SubPopCult aims to shed light on the simple nature of conservatism and the basic truths behind it, ultimately fostering understanding and likely to win many converts who don’t know how much they have in common with conservative Americans.
"The Human Right," is a play on words and an artistic expression that seeks to unveil the humanity of conservatives instead of the annoying abstraction of “the right winger” that is created by corporations, propagated by #Pundicrats and serves as a fake target used on cable news to gin up aggravation and discord among the people who live far from conservatives.
Conservative Americans, by fact of their geographic locations, always find themselves distanced from media and power centers. This makes them easy targets for being framed by corporate storytelling that ignores the nuances of their lives and perspectives. Traditional media outlets, concentrated in a select few urban areas, have abandoned their responsibility to accurately represent the diversity of experiences and values held by conservatives living in rural and suburban communities. This intentional business practice perpetuates a cycle of misunderstanding and misrepresentation that only serves politicians, media companies and those dumb enough to fall in lock-step with wholesale hatred of more than half of your fellow Americans.
Independent Art is the only true Catalyst for Change: Recognizing the need for a forced paradigm shift, a small group of artists and cultural enthusiasts have come together to subvert the prevailing narrative. Artists know that art has the unique ability to cut through political divisions and reach the core of our shared humanity. Artistic expression, through painting, sculpture, music, film, and literature, will create a common ground where dialogue and understanding can flourish and Americans can remember that unity of the people is the only force that prevents unity of the public officials.
These abuses will flourish until We the People say enough is enough.
"The Human Right" is a bold statement that proclaims Conservatives have a RIGHT to be represented truthfully in the main stream media since all political power is generated though MSM storytelling and entertainment. (This claim can be proven)
#SubPopCult seeks to showcase the nuanced nature of conservatism and honor the values that underpin it. This authentic grassroots initiative creates an immersive environment that enables viewers to delve into the lives, stories, and aspirations of conservative Americans, providing a much-needed true perspective that will reveal how similar we all are. By capturing the essence of conservative American’s beliefs, struggles, and joys "The Human Right" will become clear as the silent majority and lead to a more comprehensive understanding of conservatism as a way of living that aligns with their needs and geography and is of no threat to anyone but politicians who use these voiceless good people as an excuse for all of the problems only government will be able to solve.
"The Human Right" reminds us of the common threads and the common enemies that connect all free Americans. It challenges us to look beyond media manipulation, engage others and recognize that only through art, can we truly comprehend the humanity of conservatives. As "The Human Right" stands up for itself and makes itself known, it offers hope for a more harmonious society not built upon confusion, distraction and lies that only serves the media and it’s current business model.
Americans are inherently good at singing different cultural notes together when they remember the concept of harmony extends beyond the realm of music; it also holds true for the intricate tapestry of a nation's body politic. Just as music relies on the seamless blending of different notes to create a melodious composition, a thriving society necessitates the harmonious coexistence of different stories.
Achieving harmony in the body politic is done by acknowledging the power of culture and recognizing that cultural harmony can only be achieved by allowing two different voices to sing different notes at the same time.
Achieving cultural harmony does not mean suppressing or erasing differences. Rather, it requires respecting the inherent value of each individual voice, understanding that different perspectives enrich the fabric of society. Just as a musical composition becomes more vibrant and dynamic when different notes come together, a society flourishes when different culture voices are given equal space to express themselves and contribute to the collective dialogue that defines reality for many people.
Cultural harmony is not about homogeneity or assimilation but about forging connections and building bridges between different life experiences. It is in the blending of various life stories that we can truly appreciate the beauty and depth of human shared experiences and narratives.
Harmony in culture necessitates active listening and a genuine willingness to engage with different viewpoints, knowing that a viewpoint is not a sharp weapon but merely a “take” based on personal experience or received and internalized storytelling. It requires us to recognize that no single culture or political ideology holds a monopoly on moral truth or righteousness and that our wisdom is enhanced when we engage with those whose cultural perspectives differ from our own. It is through these interactions, where different notes are sung together, that we can build bridges of understanding and forge a shared sense of purpose and belonging.
When cultural harmony permeates the body politic, it cultivates an environment conducive to meaningful conversations, cooperation, and the pursuit of common goals for We the People instead of They/Them the Government Officials.
A harmonious culture within a free society uplifts all of its people, inspiring them to work together towards a shared vision of progress and prosperity or to simply “live and let live.”Let us embrace the transformative political power inversion of cultural harmony through art and create a world where every voice is hearable, and every new note contributes to the symphony of human ongoing experience.
And that the Human Right is NOT the same thing as the powerless political right. Not even close.
Visit SubPopCult.com to learn more.